Preparing your child for Pre-school

Innovative Early Learning offers a comprehensive pre-schooling and school readiness program taught by a Bachelor trained Early Childhood Teacher with the benefit of longer hours for our working families.  Our children leave for school excited and confident for their next adventure.  We offer a junior preschool class for 3–4-year-olds and a senior preschool class for our 4–5-year-olds. Preparing your child for preschool is an important step in their early education journey. It helps them transition to a structured learning environment and develop valuable social and emotional skills.

Here are some effective ways we recommend to prepare your child for preschool:

Visit the Preschool: Take your child on a visit to the preschool before their first day. Familiarise them with the surroundings, classrooms, and play areas. Meeting the teachers and staff can also help ease their anxiety.

Establish a Routine: Preschool usually follows a schedule. Start implementing a daily routine at home that mirrors the preschool's schedule. This can include set times for meals, naps/sleep and play.

Practice Independence: Encourage your child to do basic tasks independently, like dressing themselves, using the toilet, and washing their hands. This fosters a sense of self-reliance and helps them adapt to the preschool environment.

Social Skills: Work on your child's social skills by arranging playdates or visits with other children. Teach them about sharing, taking turns, and resolving conflicts peacefully.

Read Together: Reading is an excellent way to prepare your child for preschool. Spend time reading books together to boost their language and communication skills. Discuss the stories, ask questions, and encourage their curiosity.

Art and Creativity: Engage in creative activities like drawing, colouring, and crafting. This helps with fine motor skills and allows children to express themselves.

Name Recognition: Help your child recognise their name by using it in everyday situations, like labelling their belongings or pointing it out in books.

Follow Directions: Encourage your child to listen and follow simple instructions. This is essential for participating in classroom activities.

Toileting and Hygiene: Ensure your child is comfortable using the toilet and washing their hands independently. Most preschools require children to be toilet-trained.

Healthy Eating Habits: Practice healthy eating habits, as many preschools provide snacks and lunches. Teach your child to eat a balanced diet and use utensils.

Express Emotions: Teach your child to express their emotions and talk about how they feel. This will help them communicate with teachers and peers at preschool.

Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude about preschool. Avoid expressing anxiety or worry, as children can pick up on your emotions.

Sleep Schedule: Ensure your child gets enough rest and adheres to a regular sleep schedule. Adequate sleep is crucial for their overall well-being and readiness for learning.

Pack a Backpack: Let your child pack their own backpack with essentials like a change of clothes, a water bottle, and a comfort item, if needed.

Encourage Questions: Encourage your child to ask questions about preschool. Answer their queries and talk about the exciting things they'll experience.

Promote Independence: Foster a sense of independence by letting your child make choices within appropriate limits, such as selecting their clothes or snacks.

Remember that every child is unique and may have varying needs and readiness levels. Be patient, provide reassurance, and offer plenty of positive reinforcement to help your child feel confident and excited about their preschool experience.